Norge på langs (NPL) means "The length of Norway". It's a legendary adventure and a dream of every active Norwegian. However, just a few people ever dare to fulfill it. There is only one rule. To get from Lindesnes lighthouse in the very south of Norway to the northernmost point of the country, fabled Nordkapp, using only your own power. It doesn't matter which way or direction you choose.
I first heard about the Norge på langs (NPL) project three years ago and the idea of this trip immediately got me excited. I was introduced to it by my friend, who had been planning this journey for several years and wanted to attempt the historically first, clean trail run across the wilderness of Norway and capture this story with film cameras.
He was looking for someone reliable and as enthusiastic about the project as he was, so we joined forces and I went on this journey with him as his support. In 2022, we managed to complete the project, and this whole page is actually a kind of guide to our entire journey.

My name is Radka Minksová and I am a professional photographer originally from the Czech Republic. I spend a large part of the year in Norway, where, in addition to photography, I am also involved in filming, graphic design, marketing, website and social network management.
Norway has become my second home in recent years, and this project will allow me to get to know it again from a completely different perspective. I am an active person, I like to meet and try new things, and my great love for outdoor sports and activities adds energy to my life.
I do many summer and winter activities, but this trip will be my first bikepacking trip. Driving through the most remote mountain roads that I traveled two years ago with a camper van, this time as part of my own project, seems to me to be a great opportunity to experience this journey again, as a reminder and at the same time as a challenge for myself.

Date: The beginning of August - September
The average journey length is approximately 3000 km.
I will plan the route in such a way that I move as often as possible outside the main and busy roads and, where possible, I will choose more remote / minor roads. I would like to try to find the most beautiful and interesting route that can be experienced by bike. I will complete the entire journey alone, without support.

I will share the entire journey on my social networks. These will be authentic photos and short videos directly from the trip - cycling, Norwegian nature, but also all other activities - base camp, necessary equipment, food preparation, tent building, morning and evening rituals, etc. During these activities, I can show your product and its use and tag your social media or website. All these "insta-stories" will also be saved for future followers.
Kromě mobilního telefonu, na kterém budu produkovat většinu obsahu na sociální sítě mám v plánu si s sebou vzít i malou akční kameru, se kterou budu natáčet další důležité momenty a vše ostatní. Z nasbíraných materiálů bych po skončení projektu ráda sestříhala krátký autentický film o celé této cestě.
In addition to the mobile phone, on which I will produce most of the content for social networks, I plan to take a small action camera with me, with which I will film other important moments and everything else. I would like to edit a short authentic film about this entire journey from the collected materials after the end of the project,
Examples of work:

More samples on the website: https://arcticinmotion.com/photos/products-branding/
I am looking for partners who find the idea of this journey interesting and would like to become a part of it with their products. It is mainly about support with material equipment.
I want to ride this project on a Gravel bike, which can handle crossing on modified asphalt roads as well as riding on paths, trails, mountain roads, on gravel, etc.

I will spend at least one month on the trip. The project is not supported, so I will take all the equipment with me on my bike. I will try to choose ultralight things so that I can move as quickly as possible with the bike and at the same time everything is easily packable.
Clothes for cycling
Waterproof layer
Functional merino clothing

Sleeping equipment
Cooking equipment
Electronics - GPS navigation, solar power bank
Dehydrated food